
Company History and Key Figures


The company was created by

Mr Albrecht Ammann and Mr Christoph Mattes


Mr Ammann died


Mr Mattes died


The company was managed by Klara Mattes,

daughter of Christoph Mattes,

wife of Albrecht Ammann

mother of Christoph Larsén-Mattes

1987 onwards

Management - Christoph Larsén/Mattes

2000 onwards

C. Larsén/Mattes, co-owner

2003 onwards

C. Larsén/Mattes, sole owner


It all began with the production of yard goods in a warp knitting facility, which was in fact, the nucleus of the young company.

During the mid 60s, the production facilities were expanded to include large-diameter circular knitting machines.

In 1994, production was increased through the construction of a circular knitting facility with French circular knitting machines.

These divisions are being continuously expanded and developed.

Every year in these divisions / warehouses, over 500 machines produce approx. 50 to 60 million square metres of fabric on an area of some 36,000 m².